Florida Roof Inspections

Not sure the status of your roof? We offer complimentary roof inspections.

Kris Konstruction roofer inspecting a broken tile roof from the hurricane.

What to expect when you request a roof inspection from Kris Konstruction.

Upon arrival, the Kris Konstruction representative will knock on your door to inform you that they are about to begin the inspection. Our roof inspections typically focus on the exterior, unless there's active leaking, in which case, you may invite the representative inside to locate the leak.

The representative may walk around the perimeter of the house to capture photos for a full 360-degree view. They will then inspect the roof, a process that usually lasts around 10-15 minutes. If they find any damage, they might mark it with sidewalk chalk. Don't worry; these marks will wash off with the next rain.

The purpose is to identify both qualified storm damages, such as hail or wind damage, and natural wear and tear, to evaluate the roof's condition.

Let’s delve deeper into what qualifies as storm damage and what constitutes natural wear and tear.

Qualified Storm Damages

Qualified storm damage refers to any damage generally covered by most homeowners' insurance policies. While we cannot definitively tell you if your policy will cover it, we can identify hail or wind damage. If such damage is found, we advise you to check with your insurance company to determine coverage.

What is hail damage, and what does it look like?

Regardless of the roofing material—shingles, metal, or tile—the primary purpose of a roof is to protect the interior and shed water. Hail damage is often not visible from the ground, leading homeowners to dismiss it, especially if there's no active leaking.

On a shingle roof, hailstones impact the shingles, knocking off granules and leaving indentations. While it may not seem significant, widespread impact marks and granule loss can impede the roof's ability to shed water effectively.

Tile roofs can experience cracks from hail, exposing gaps for water to penetrate. Even small cracks across the entire roof can lead to significant issues.

On metal roofs, hail creates small indentations, disrupting the smooth water runoff. Over time, pooled water in these indentations can pose problems.

What is wind damage, and what does it look like?

Wind damage manifests in two stages: creased shingles and missing shingles. While missing shingles might be visible from the ground, creased shingles are not.

Creasing occurs when wind lifts and unseals shingles, creating a fold at the top similar to folding a piece of paper. Even if not entirely torn off, creased shingles are considered storm damage because rainwater can infiltrate, and exposed nails create small gaps for water.

The second stage is when creased shingles become weak and tear off, leaving a missing shingle. While these damages may not always cause immediate leaks, they can lead to underlying issues over time.

Natural Aging. Wear and Tear.

In Florida, our roofs face year-long heat and intense sunshine. Much like AC units, roofs in Florida have a shorter lifespan due to constant exposure to outdoor elements.

Signs of aging include soft spots when walking on the roof, an abundance of granules in the gutters, or blistering on the shingles.

Identifying a soft spot suggests that the wood underneath the shingle has been exposed to water and is rotting, potentially leading to interior leaks and hidden mold growth.

A gutter filled with roofing granules indicates a loss of the shingles' water-shedding ability, similar to the impact of hail damage.

Sun blistering on shingles results from intense heat, causing granules to fall off and the shingle to deteriorate. Blistering can resemble hail damage.

Now that you're familiar with our inspection process, let's address some common homeowner questions.

Post-Inspection: What are the next steps?

After completing the inspection, the Kris Konstruction representative will review findings and photos with you. While they will provide a recommendation, the final decision is yours as the homeowner.

We aim to equip you with all necessary information for an informed decision. Understanding that homeowners may be reluctant to invest in a new roof, we are solution-driven. If budget constraints are an issue, there are usually additional options available to meet your needs.

Let's explore the action plans based on inspection findings.

What happens if we find storm damage, such as hail or wind?

In the case of qualified storm damage and if you have homeowners insurance, we recommend exploring the option of filing an insurance claim.

You pay insurance premiums to protect your property, and this is an opportunity to restore your home, increase its value, and potentially incur only the deductible cost.

For concerns about increased rates or policy cancellations after filing a claim, please refer to our Insurance Claims guide.

What happens if we only find natural aging?

If no qualified storm damages are found but there's evidence of natural wear and tear, getting a new roof through insurance is off the table. Depending on the findings, it may be recommended to replace or keep a vigilant eye, with the option to reinspect in the future, especially after severe storms.

To comprehend the decision-making process for repair or replacement, read our Repair vs. Replacement Guide.

If a roof replacement is necessary, and you have to pay out of pocket, there are financing options available for manageable monthly payments.


Remember, most of these damages cannot be seen from the ground. Just because there’s no active leaking does not mean there are no underlying issues. Addressing them promptly is crucial to prevent additional interior problems such as mold and damages to drywall.